Sunday, May 19, 2013

When did the word DISCIPLINE become bad?

I remember when the word discipline was a good thing. It was a compliment when someone told you that you “had discipline”.
The dictionary states the word “Discipline” as:
Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, esp. training that produces moral or mental improvement.

What happened? When did discipline become negative?
From the definition above, there is nothing in it that suggests abusive
treatment, spanking, shaming, yelling, or screaming.

So why is it that parents are afraid of disciplining their children? Why do adults resort to bribing the children instead?

Children want their parents to be in charge and in control. They feel safer knowing that their parents will protect them. One way of knowing that they are safe is by how their parents discipline them when they act out, throw a tantrum or scream in public.  It is not shameful when we correct them of their bad behaviors. 

It is, however, shameful when our children approach adulthood without the necessary tools to be a good citizen who is a welcome and productive member of society. It is shameful when our children do not have the skill set to function appropriately in school, in the public and in social settings.

When we establish behavioral standards, give clear expectations and respond consistently when standards are violated, the children are introduced to the basic structure of a civilized culture. Our Children Deserve a BRIGHT Future.
At Tea Party Etiquette, we believe in starting early to shape our children. We believe in teaching good habits in a loving and supportive environment.

So, discipline your kids; they will thank you for it...and so will their teachers and classmates. But most importantly, discipline them with love.

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